Monday, June 20, 2011

Straw bale gardening at last!

I finally planted my straw bale garden today, after many weeks of watching the two bales sit there, turning into compost!  Fern and I had gotten straw bales from a local farm, after learning about them at the PA State Extension in Montgomery County.  One has to "season" them for two weeks first (water one day; fertilize with a high-nitrogen fertilizer the alternative day; continue for 10-12 days).  My problem was I kept forgetting to keep it up.  Anyway, I planted two tomatoes (one cherry, one Big Boy), one pepper, one eggplant and impatiens "for pretty."  I'll post a photo tomorrow.  I noticed one bale has really begun to decompose and is half the height of the other, and I wondered if the high-nitrogen fertilizer will interfere with fruit forming on the veggie plants.  If this works, it'll be terrific for schools that only have blacktop!  Penny

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